Stretchy is on Summer vaca from Oklahoma State & JB hated her job, quit and decided the best place to begin her new nomadic life would be with me, in West Virginia. I think it is fantastic that JB recognized that her job (and Oklahoma) were making her miserable and was pro-active to fix the situation. Way too often I find myself, and see my friends, just accepting what they have, rather than making the necessary changes to find/make/achieve what they want. Baby's got sauce.
To celebrate their arrival, we met D @ the work pavilion for a picnic. What fun! We even got to see Daddy in his uniform; so cute!
Zander LOVED the pavilion. Literally, he was trying to eat it... How much wood would a woodchuck (which we saw by the railroad tracks) chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
He also LOVED papa stretch. And showed his affection by spitting up on his head. That was pleasant. Seriously stupendous.
Of course, that didn't stop Stretchy from putting the lil' plum back up on his shoulders for a better look at the shortest train ever!
Alexander loved the train. He was mesmerized. As soon as he spotted it coming up the track, he couldn't take his big blue eyes off of it! Followed it the whole way off into the distance. I wonder what he was thinking?
After our picnic, we headed to the book store in search of craft-spiration. I never knew there were so many craft books, with so many pretty picture. Almost too much for a girl to handle....
But now it's back to work. JB & Stretch headed north to visit the kin folk. And I'm headed back to the kitchen to make some more Strawberry Jam & finish pureeing Winter Squash for Zander. Yum!
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