Our pediatrician suggested we introduce spoon feeding @ 4 months, but everything I've read, and with Jenn's experience, we decided to wait to introduce rice cereal until around 5 months (I couldn't wait until 6!). The APA says the risk of developing food allergies is greater the earlier solids are introduced and that you cant beat breast/bottle nutrition before 6 months.
Last week we introduced carrots. And did that boy like them! Yummy!
I'm so excited to keep introducing new fruits & vegetables!
I'm hoping that with solid foods, Alexander will start spitting up less! How great would that be?
So, in anticipation of his new baby food diet, I pureed & froze single servings of carrots & sweet potatoes for the little guy to eat later. Denis & I made the rounds to all the local farmer's markets on Saturday looking for more local, organic veggies to cook up for Zaney, but all we came home with was yellow zucchini.
I got so excited about making the baby food for Zander, I finally got my act in gear & cooked up the strawberries we picked last weekend in PA and can a few jars of jam. D just called & said blueberry season starts July 20 in WV... I guess that means we'll have to get cooking on the wine next!
Last time JB & Stretchy came to visit, Jenny made Alexander a colorful birdie that I was supposed to make into a colorful mobile... I never made the mobile, but Zander LOVES to play with the birdie!
He also LOVES to play in the Waleski Kiddo's old bouncy car!
He's kinda like a pimp, laid back, cocked to one side, rollin' through the back yard..
After a very busy, chore-filled weekend, we all relaxed in the back yard with the BR couple, their babe and the neighbors... unfortunately, we stayed up watching the fire way too late!