Eight hundred, or five percent, of women who gave birth in West Virginia in the last year have admitted to doing street drugs while pregnant, according to questionnaires completed by new mothers, shortly after giving birth. And unfortunately, I don't think these ladies were talking about the epidural.
Yes, 800 mothers in the Wild & Wonderful state of West Virginia. Can I get a hoy vey?
D says maybe they were addicted before getting pregnant. I wonder if there is any correlation between the seemingly high number of teen girls in our prenatal class & WV's pregnant drug problem?
What do WV teens learn in sex education? West Virginia has the 35th highest teenage pregnancy rate of any state, and rising. http://dailymail.com/News/statenews/200807150165. Although the state seems so be focusing on abstinence education, the head of the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy says that there is no evidence that abstinence education works.
Another troubling WV pregnancy tale came from my OBGYN. She told D & I a story at our last visit about one of her patients who drinks a pot of coffee & smokes a pack-a-day. And the doc said that this lady isn't an isolated case, but that numerous pregnant ladies have left the practice because the doctor told them that their behavior would hurt their fetus. And that the doctor wouldn't let these pregnant ladies cry on her shoulder when their baby died.
Harsh, yes. But not as harsh as a pack-a-day smokers voice!
Anyway, I really would love a glass of wine & some Russian cheese & maybe a Coors Light during today's Steeler's game, but I think I might just wait until next season!
No need to drink during the Steelers games...they're winning again!
Saw on CNN that WV has the countries unhealthiest city, too, because about 50% of residents are obese. Time for you to move to OK...or PA...your choice!
Beer is good for milk production!
Yeah, my lactation consultant said the same thing! Yippe! I hope red wine has the same effect!
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