Friday, May 25, 2007

Another Day in Paradise

We spent the day with Andre & Igor at a 15th Century monestary. The little girl on the right showed us around. I am squatting in the sleeping/praying quarters. The monestary was built into the side of a huge cliff that was once the edge of the sea.

This is the cross marking the monestary.

This is the church that was built later on.

This is actually the mode of transportation for most of the village dwellers. We havent gotten to ride in one, but that is only becuase we are special company...
I have a lot more pictures of the monestary, church and museum dwelling, but we leave for Germany tomorrow and it takes too long to upload everything here.

THis was our nightly dinner party with D's oldest cousin.
Nina, D, Me, Vitali, Natasha, Sveta, Cornell, Nicanor, and baby Alexander.

The cameras kept Alexander busy for hours... He was the only person I could connect with... He spoke no Romanian and neither did I!

It was a fun night, d said "a rough morning."
Dinner at Cornell's would have exceeded everyone's steriotype of a russian party... He kept giving us shots, and differnt shots, and then more shots...

This was the last "over coffee" shot.
Mom, I havent had a diet coke since I got here; but I drink all the tea I can handle to try to get a caffeine buzz!

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