Thursday, May 31, 2012

Slip, Slide... and Drink?

So, in addition to being too busy to blog, I'm also having a tough time finding the time to put a camera around my neck. Sadness. So although 7 kids had a 3 hour play date in our front yard yesterday, I took a total of 10 pictures of just two boys. Oh well. Hopefully Alexander is old enough to make some of his own memories now. How mean does that sound?

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Welcome to Brooklyn'd

After a week in Carlisle (& his first Car Show), William headed to Brooklyn'd to meet Mama Zoya & Cousin Savely. Lovely.



Blooming Cousin

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Masland Fire

I'm sure this isn't very interesting to the baby-lovers, but the huge factory near my childhood home burnt while I was home earlier this month. Wow.