Wednesday, December 31, 2008

38 & 39 weeks

The holidays have been very busy! We had a wonderful Christmas with my entire family, including Jenn & Mike's kiddos!

28 Weeks

And now we have a house full of lovelies from Brooklyn, Oklahoma & Louisiana. I am sure the neighbors are wondering why we have to import our friends from out-of-state! :)

29 weeks

My next doctor's appointment is January 2, and my sister is predicting a January 3 birth... we'll see!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

37 Weeks, Full Term & Counting

Little Baby Boris is finally full term. After today he can make his debut as a fully-developed bouncing baby boy! (At least he better be a boy; or I will hunt down that ultrasound tech!)

The cookie monster (I am sure he is the reason all my Christmas cookies are now only remembered as the "month before Christmas cookies"...) is about 21 inches long and weighs about 7 pounds this week. I have no idea how I didn't gain any weight this week... seriously, stuffing my face is my favorite activity lately! I think I've eaten a pint of peanut butter in 3 days! Speaking of peanut butter... time for more peanut butter cookies!

(Last Christmas D's babushka gave us Russian letter blocks... so this is how you spell Alexander in Russian. Aleksandr.)

About 2 weeks ago I started weekly appointments with my OB, who is just the nicest woman! Today I was still only 1cm dilated and contrary to the physician assistant's evaluation last week, I am very "thick" & "high"; so I guess I'm still on track for an early January birth. (Don't forget to bring your catchers mitt for New Years, Blake. And Jenny, you might as well start boiling the water now, cause if you're in town, I'm insisting on a home delivery... :)

The doctor asked me about my feelings on induction again today... and that's a big negatory! She is traveling to the Philippines for the holidays, so I won't see her again until January 2... which, luckily, won't give her too much opportunity to induce me anyway! As I was leaving the office, she called down the hallway "wait for me!" No problem doc, there's no room at the inn until after January 2 anyway!

The Nursery is ready for move-in day! Last weekend Daddy D modified an old dresser into the best changing table ever and the new ceiling fan is ready to cool little Baby Alexander off on those hot summer evening!

D also put our lovely hand-me-down crib together, and I made the best crib skirt ever!

Yesterday I made cushions for the wooden rocker, and I'm hoping my mama can finish hand sewing the cushion back directly to the rocker when she comes to visit next week!

And much to Daddy D's dismay, I found these great green "dots" on super-clearance at Lowes earlier this week to decorate the nursery's pale blue walls. I love them, actually, they are exactly what I was picturing when I decided to accent with green; D isn't sold... yet.

This picture doesn't give the dots justice. There are green and white alternating dots; that look awesome! I might also add a lighter green dot.

Time for more Peanut Butter!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

9 Months & Slacking

It's been a while... A long while.

I'm 9 months pregnant. That is something no one tells little girls when they're growing up & day dreaming about marrying Price Charming & having charming little babies... That it doesn't take 9 months to have a baby, it takes 10. And that extra 4 weeks... hoy vey!

34 Weeks

This is a horrible picture, BUT that is what I actually look like when I move... I have to make that face & the accompanying grunt, or the other pregnant women would ostracize me!

35 weeks pregnant

36 Weeks

At my 36 week appointment I was 1cm dilated & 30% effaced; and way too close to 200 pounds! Only 6 of which is Baby Boris! I've finished the Halloween Candy, but the Christmas cookies are kicking my butt! The babe is about 20.7 inches long from curly little head to wrinkled little toe.

He's finally flopped head-down & is ready for delivery... well, mostly. He hasn't dropped yet, but I am hoping that happens this week.

The doctor said at my 35 week appointment, and the physician's assistant repeated last week, that if we want to have this baby sometime in December, D & I need to "get busy"... Not busy fixing up the nursery, or busy sewing curtains, or even busy buying diapers. The other kind of "busy"... Again with the hoy vey! I told her "but I'm not due until January!?!!" And she said, "Well, not every day, but a lot."

Doesn't she know that Daddy D doesn't have any vacation until after the new year and I have 2 weeks of house guests on their way for Christmas & New Years; I can't fit another body in this chilly little house until at least January 3...

But then I changed my mind... A doctor should NEVER tell a fat pregnant lady that she could deliver early & get a tax deduction (she actually mentioned the deduction). Cause now, I want to. I was fine waiting until January 7, I was actually prepared for January 15... but now, now I'm all about a December 31 baby. Kinda like a bloody ball drop (SO, inappropriate, but too amusing not to actually post). I don't even know what a tax deduction is; I'm not sure TurboTax EZ can even do those... hoy vey.

Alright, I am done for now. I'm back to the doctor tomorrow morning and I'm hoping for 2cm dilated & at least 35% effaced. I want to get as much of this done on my own so the good doctor doesn't have the chance to induce me...