Six weeks to go; unless, of course, little baby Alexander decides he'd like to come a little early and meet our New Years' house guests... Jenny Brown & Stretch are visiting from Oklahoma, Blake & Will will be driving up from Baton Rouge and D's parents will be in from Brooklyn to ring in the New Year with us. I'm not sure who we'll have to kick out to make room for Baby Boris if he comes early!
(I am actually 33 weeks prego in this picture, but it is all we have for now...)
D & I spent this short week putting the finishing touches on the nursery... don't I say that every week? But this time I actually mean it... I think!
The painting is officially finished, as well as my cell phone... long story... but let's just say that you should ALWAYS hammer gallon paint can lids in place before setting them down on the kitchen table & accidentally knocking them over onto your cell phone & charger. And Emily, I hope you really DIDN'T want that Longenberger Basket back, cause I'm positive you don't want it now...
Despite my renewed hate for painting, I did manage to paint the new closet door & quarter round that D installed earlier this week. As well as the yard sale rocker we bought last summer.
Daddy D did a wonderful, drunken job hanging the best shelving unit ever in the nursery closet. They are just so awesome, the shelves that is, that I couldn't sleep! So I woke up early Monday morning to wash all 200 pounds of 0-6 month hand-me-down clothes, bibs and blankets, just so I could hang them all in the baby's closet! The simple pleasures in life...
But my excitement didn't stop there. After I moved all of Alexander's hand-me-downs & shower gifts out of our bedroom, I figured "why stop there?" So D moved our spring cleanup dresser, which is actually a great looking antique that my parents' neighbors put out a few years ago, into the nursery. He is going to screw the changing pad that Jenn gave us to the top & viola, we saved ourselves $69 bucks on a changing table! Only problem now is that our TV had to find a new home on the floor now, which doesn't make for easy bedtime viewing.
I am pretty sure that the only task left to complete the nursery is a new ceiling fan. We bought a fan last weekend, BUT the deliciously smart couple who lived here before us never installed an ever-important & code-required "box" in the ceiling to support a light fixture, let alone a ceiling fan... Blake, don't forget to bring your work gloves when you visit next month! :)
Baby Boris is also getting "his house in order" for delivery. This week he should have rotated to the head-down position, and he will be dropping lower each week now, preparing for his New Years vacation. The little guy still weighs about 5 pounds & is almost 20 inches long. Although he is moving less, Baby Boris seems to be making the most of his kicks these days... I am definitely getting more bang for my buck!